(561) 571-3323 Consultation
IPL West Palm Beach

IPL Treatment

Serving West Palm Beach and Palm Beach

Intense Pulsed Light Treatments

Intense Pulsed Light treatment is a non-invasive, non-surgical skin treatment used to treat various skin-related issues. IPL Treatment works by delivering pulses of broad-spectrum light, to penetrate the deep layers of your skin and give you fresh, glowing skin.

Discover luxury skincare treatments in Palm Beach with Dr. Troiano at Troiano Facial Plastics. Dr. Troiano is a fellowship-trained facial plastic surgeon devoted to cosmetic procedures for the face and neck. She strives to deliver the best IPL treatment West Palm Beach can offer. Schedule your IPL treatment consultation with Dr. Troiano today.

What is an IPL treatment?


The abbreviation IPL stands for “Intense Pulsed Light” and is also known as an IPL Photofacial. IPL is a cosmetic skin treatment used to reduce the appearance of brown spots, dark spots, sun damage, and other skin-related issues.

The laser light appears like photo flashes but sends out scattered wavelengths of light to change the skin on a molecular level. IPL treatments are very effective for targeting specific skin problems and concerns depending on the settings that are chosen. Dr. Troiano has been tweaking her laser regimens to deliver noticeable results for her patients.

West Palm Beach IPL treatment
Dr. Troiano West Palm Beach Facial Plastic Surgeon

Am I a Good Candidate for IPL treatments?

When you desire a non-surgical approach to treat wrinkles, age spots, rosacea, facial scars, and unwanted hair, IPL treatment is a viable option.

IPL treatment works on most skin types. IPL treatments are a great option if you are beginning to see early pigmentation or uneven skin tone. An additional benefit of IPL treatments is that it is not as aggressive as resurfacing lasers, and there is minimal downtime with IPL.

IPL treatment are used to reduce or remove the following:

  • Rosacea
  • Dark spots
  • Age spots
  • Sun damage
  • Hair removal for your face, neck, back, chest legs, underarms, or bikini line

West Palm Beach IPL treatment provider, Dr. Troiano will discuss your options during your consultation to determine the best treatment regimen. You may need to avoid certain activities, medication, and other products two weeks before your first IPL treatment to achieve optimal results.

IPL Treatment Procedure

Your skin will be prepped so that it is clean and then a numbing agent will be applied. The light pulses from the IPL device will pass over your skin to target the problem areas of the skin.

Different settings are chosen based on the quality of the skin and what is being addressed. For example, the settings used to eliminate dark spots are different from settings used to treat rosacea. You are provided dark protective glasses during your session. IPL treatments take about 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.

IPL Treatment Recovery

West Palm Beach Intense Pulsed Light


It is VERY important to protect your skin at all times from the sun but especially after IPL treatment.

Wearing an SPF of 30 or higher (even when inside) is imperative. IPL treatment is an outpatient procedure. You are prepped with topical anesthesia. Your treated skin areas will be sensitive and red. Generally, you can return to your normal activities the same day.

IPL Treatment Results

In about two weeks you will see smaller pore size, smoother skin texture and improvement in skin coloration or other outcomes depending on what IPL was treating. Full results usually take more than 1 treatment. With proper skincare and the use of sunscreen, your IPL treatment results may last for years. You will want to maintain an active skincare regimen for optimal results.

Schedule Your Palm Beach IPL Treatment Consultation with Dr. Troiano

Palm Beach facial plastic surgeon Dr. Chelsea Troiano cares about your skin and wants you to have the best results.

During your consultation for IPL Treatment West Palm Beach facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Troiano, will work with you to determine the number of sessions you may need for your best results. Schedule your IPL consultation with Dr. Troiano today.

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Dr. Troiano West Palm Beach Facial Plastic Surgeon

IPL Treatment FAQ

A numbing agent is applied to the skin but this does not make the procedure completely painless. Some patients describe the IPL as feeling like a warm rubber band snapping on their skin.

There is always risk with any treatment. Some risks include skin burns, prolonged redness or swelling, changes in skin color making it too light or too dark. These risks are mitigated by making sure you do not go out into the sun for 2 weeks before or after your treatments.

IPL is not recommended for people with darker skin tones because of the risk of hypopigmentation (skin healing too light). However, it is best to discuss your concerns with Dr. Troiano as there may be better options that are suitable for your skin tone.

The cost for IPL treatments will differ for each patient. During your consultation for IPL Treatment Palm Beach facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Troiano, will create a customized plan for you and discuss your cost for the number of sessions you may need.

Depending on your overall goal, your results may require three to six treatments, which are spaced about a month apart to allow your skin to heal. Hair removal may require six to 12 treatments for maximum results.

IPL is a cosmetic skin treatment, and most health insurance plans do not cover the cost of IPL treatments.

Schedule Appointment

Our luxury concierge practice is committed to providing aesthetic solutions to those in the Palm Beach community seeking ageless beauty and confidence. Your experience at Troiano Facial Plastics will be one that nurtures, restores and revives your self-image.

313 10th St, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

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